AppAdvice Goes Hands-On With The iPad mini
AppAdvice was on location today for the big announcement of the iPad mini. Our own Tyler Tschida was lucky enough to get a hands-on preview of what is sure to be the biggest selling tablet in its class by the end of this year. Check out our images below to get an idea of what the diminutive tablet looks like when held with one hand.
The 7.9-inch tablet sports two colors, white and black. The white iPad mini has the traditional brushed aluminum backing while the black model looks a lot like it’s brother, the iPhone 5. The new, smaller tablets start at $329 and will be available for preorder this Friday and will hit store shelves on Nov. 2.
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The new iPad mini Smart Cover
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The backside of the white iPad mini
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Side-by-side comparison
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The black iPad mini
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The backside of both iPad minis
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2012-10-23 12.03.44
Hi Tyler!
Check out Tyler’s video showing the iPad mini from all angles. It is important to point out that he is only using one hand to play with the smaller tablet and it seems fairly easy. If you can’t see the video, click here for a direct link to it on YouTube.

Here is another video that Tyler shot. Presumably, the hands in this video belong to a helpful Apple staffer. If you can’t see the video, click here for a direct link to it on YouTube.