
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Iphone 5 Vs Nexus 4 Quick Comparison

The Nexus 4 has just been released onto the world, and it seems to be a bit of a powerhouse. Google are definitely undercutting the iPhone at selling their latest frontline device at just $299 for an unlocked handset, but how does it compare? We've managed to hook up a couple of tests to show you how the Nexus compares to the iPhone, first up is gaming performance

Here we also have the Nexus 4 compared to the iPhone 5 in a more comprehensive test. It includes benchmarks, scrolling performance. Both phones come with processors that should be able to handle pretty much anything you want to throw at it, but the Nexus is the clear winner in terms of processing power.

I'll let you judge on your own which device you think 'won' these tests, as for me there isn't really a clear winner. I am a huge proponent of both iOS and Android, and feel that whatever platform you prefer if just a personal preference.


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