Apple Grabs Second Place In U.S. Top Mobile OEMs
Samsung remains the top OEM (original equipment manufacturer) in the United States, but Apple has recently overtaken LG to snag second place. The news comes as new data was released from comScore, which surveyed more than 30,000 mobile subscribers in the U.S.
As you can see in the below chart, between July and October Apple and LG were fighting for the second spot. While LG lost 0.8 percent of the mobile subscribers surveyed, the iPhone-maker conversely gained 1.5 percent. Both companies are separated from Samsung by a rather large gulf: the South Korean manufacturer, as of October, held a 26.3 percent share of the market, compared with Apple’s 17.8 percent.
The market share is a-changing.
The market share is a-changing.
It’s bad news for other smartphone makers, however, as The Next Web notes:
RIM was the biggest loser, dropping like a rock as it fell 1.7 percentage points (from 9.5 percent to 7.8 percent). Microsoft and Symbian didn’t fare so well either: they lost 0.4 percentage points and 0.2 percentage points, respectively. It’s always crazy to see Microsoft down so much despite its Windows Phone push, while Symbian’s losses are of course to be expected.
According to comScore 121.3 million people in the United States own a smartphone, a figure that was up 6 percent between July and October. It’ll be interesting to see the next comScore survey, which should show the impact of Apple’s iPhone 5 handset in the months following its release.
For the full breakdown of the survey, be sure to visit comScore’s website.