
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hackulous Takes The Hint, Closes Virtual Doors Of Installulous

Hackulous Takes The Hint, Closes Virtual Doors Of Installulous

JBA TECH December 30, 2012

For years, the reason for many to jailbreak their iDevices has been the ability to install app store applications without legitimately paying for the right to run that app on their device. Hackulous, the creator of installulous, which is by far the most common and most popular method of doing so has finally shut it’s virtual doors.
In an unannounced move, the creators posted on their website the following message:

Goodnight, sweet prince.

We are very sad to announce that Hackulous is shutting down. After many years, our community has become stagnant and our forums are a bit of a ghost town. It has become difficult to keep them online and well-moderated, despite the devotion of our staff. We’re incredibly thankful for the support we’ve had over the years and hope that new, greater communities blossom out of our absence.
With lots of love,
Hackulous Team
This is a huge deal for the jailbreaking community, as it has constantly been given a bad reputation from sites like these. Jailbreakers everywhere should be relieved that it is very unlikely for iDevice hacking to become illegal now due to the largest app cracking service has closed it’s doors. Of course, there will still be sites and apps that allow this kind of thing to happen – but Installulous hosted almost every app available to the app store.
One thing is for sure, this is good news.

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